Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

As a homeschool mom and avid reader, I’m surrounded by books from many different genres. In fact, every room in my house contains books – even our vehicles have books tucked in the storage compartments behind the seats! 

My daughters have followed in my footsteps as I discovered recently. One of them proudly showed me a flamboyant animal-print purse big enough to fit a small heifer. “It’s for my books, Mom!” she begged. How could I say no to that when I have the same standard for my own purse?

But I don’t just read because I have nothing better to do. I read with a desire to learn and grow, to glean something beneficial for my mind and soul from its pages. A healthy diet is often about portion control, and I use the same method with what my mind consumes. 

The Bible is the best example of this and contains a wide array of literature ranging from history to memoir to judicial to theology to poetry to proverbs, all of it beneficial to the soul across the ages. Often I’m reading through several books at the same time, and I secretly love flipping through picture books in the children’s section of the library just for the artwork and crazy imaginative stories!

I want my writing to be like that too. Something that would be helpful to others. Beneficial. Meaningful. Applicable. Interesting. But broader than any one topic such as sexual abuse or its affects. 

Certainly there’s a time and necessity to talk about it (and the Bible certainly addresses it!), but I don’t want one topic from my past to be my identity as a writer. More than anything, I want to glorify God. Jesus fills my story and He is so much bigger than that event in my life. I desire my writing to go beyond myself to truly significant topics drenched with Him. I don’t want to waste this gift.

It’s harder than it sounds.

Inspiration is a difficult thing for a writer. Sometimes the words just refuse to flow. Other times ideas pop up like dandelions, but life is busy. Two, three, and then fifteen days have passed and I’m left with a trail of scattered scraps of paper throughout the house that make about as much sense as a message from Mars.

Several months ago, I found myself at a strange crossroad with my writing. My heart still needs moments of sorting, and I know that many of you who read my blog are wrestling with many of the same issues. Triggers still hit me blindside, but I’m learning to confide in prayer to God and talk to God’s people. I’m learning to live in the NOW of who I am in Christ and it’s exciting when I learn something new about Him. 

The crossroad happened when I started on my next post in mid-autumn of last year.

It had been a difficult year in ministry and family life. Life seemed to intensify as spring merged into summer, and summer into fall. God faithfully gave me the strength I needed day by day, and writing continued to be a way for my brain to decompress. But as time went on, I would sit at the computer excited to begin, my head loaded with ideas and motivation. I would type a few lines, look up a few connecting Bible verses … and then, nothing.

Like, absolutely nothing.

I’m not talking about writer’s block. Writing has been part of how I communicate ever since I was a child and I know what it feels like to have a rough writing day. Usually I’ll take a break, go for a walk, get a piece of dark chocolate, or wait another day or two. But inspiration always returns. Always.

But this time, it was different. I’ve never felt this completely shut-down before. It was as though God took my writing ability away. Like I was a different person in the same body. I had the desire and ideas, but that was it.

And so the days and months have gone by in silence and increasing discouragement. I’ve thought about you, my readers. I’ve thought about my heart in the whole thing and wrestled with it all. I LOVE to write. I LOVE to share what God is teaching me. I LOVE having a voice after decades of silence. I LOVED that part of me.

But old familiar feelings of numbness, panic, helplessness, confusion, frustration fill me.

I am silenced.


Questions fill my mind. Has God taken away this gift, or does my brain just need rest? Are my writing aspirations rooted in unbiblical insecurities? Must I always be placing my desires and dreams on the shelves of disappointment, half-done, incomplete, to gather dust? Is God disciplining me for something and I’m missing it? Is this a sign that I need to wait until I’m older and wiser? Is there something medically wrong with my lack of concentration and inspiration? Are the pressures of life and ministry finally taking a toll?

I’ve struggled with depression my entire life. It is a tremendous weight, and God graciously removed it as I discovered true freedom in Christ from my past and all its shame. Several years have passed without this weight and I have been SO excited to be set free from it.

But lately I’ve been hit by the same darkness I thought God had removed. I know how important it is to pay attention to the daily demands on my mind, body, and soul. I realize the ongoing need for vitamin intake, sunshine, exercise, and spiritual health. But over the past few months, it hit me like a brick wall. 

My spirit continues to live passionately for Jesus Christ while my flesh betrays me with weakness. Sometimes no matter what I do or don’t do, nothing works and I’m left like William Cowper crying the name of Jesus in the darkness.

With God, there are always connections, though I can’t always see them right away. I may not understand the reasons why this is happening, but I can trust that God is sovereign and good all the time. I cannot remain silent, for to remain silent is to deny the power of God even in this. Jesus is a sympathetic High Priest who knows the weaknesses of what it means to be human (Hebrews 4:15). I have confidence to approach Him with my broken darkness.

The truth is, I’ve prayed and pleaded like the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 that God would remove this physical depression from me. I refuse to live in its power, for Christ alone is my identity. But instead of removing it like He did before, my answer has been “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

It’s hard to swallow sometimes.

I can’t see the road ahead. Most days, I feel like I’m drowning. Everything in me wants to run away weeping because I can’t escape it. I’m left the choice to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 4:16-18). My soul can rest in the promises of Scripture even as my body wears away.

The bruised reed He does not break, the dim wick He does not extinguish (Isaiah 42:1-3)!
He draws near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18)!
He pursues the runaways and welcomes the prodigals (Jonah 2:6; Luke 15:20)!
He knows me even in the darkness (Psalm 139)!
He gathers the outcasts and heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:2-3)!
He is for me; who can be against me? (Romans 8:31-32)
God has poured the treasure of His glory into this broken vessel (2 Cor. 4:7-12),
            Afflicted, but not crushed;
            Perplexed, but not despairing;
            Persecuted, but not forsaken;
            Struck down, but not destroyed;
            Dying, yet eternally alive!
He is reserving my inheritance in heaven (1 Peter 1:4)!
My soul is protected by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5)!
He is making all things new (Revelation 21:5)!!

Like a little child suddenly in the dark when the light goes out, my heart instinctively reaches out for Jesus – and I discover He’s never let go. I don’t know where my writing will go this year, but those questions pale in comparison to where God is taking me.

Psalm 42:8, The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; and His song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life.

I recently discovered this not-so-new song by Keith & Kristyn Getty called, “The Lord Is My Salvation.” As a great lover of poetry, especially psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, I thought I’d share the words with you. If you’re interested in listening to the song, click HERE.

The grace of God has reached for me,
And pulled me from the raging sea.
And I am safe on this solid ground:
The Lord is my salvation.

I will not fear when darkness falls,
His strength will help me scale these walls.
I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun:
The Lord is my salvation.

Who is like the Lord our God?
Strong to save, faithful in love.
My debt is paid and the victory won:
The Lord is my salvation.

My hope is hidden in the Lord,
He flow’rs each promise of His Word.
When winter fades, I know Spring will come:
The Lord is my salvation.

In times of waiting, times of need,
When I know loss, when I am weak.
I know His grace will renew these days:
The Lord is my Salvation.

And when I reach my final day,
He will not leave me in the grave.
But I will rise, He will call me home:
The Lord is my salvation.

Glory be to God, the Father,
Glory be to God, the Son,
Glory be to God, the Spirit:
The Lord is our salvation.

The Lord Is My Salvation lyrics © Sony/atv Tree Publishing, Tomdouglasmusic, Capitol Cmg Paragon, Son Of The Lion

Note: All Scripture references from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.

Public Domain Photo Credits:
Words-Letters-Book – Circe Denyer

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