Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Lambs and Wolves: Sexual Abuse in the Church

For the past several years, the whole subject of sexual abuse in the church has been a sensitive topic. But there is a need in churches today to take this topic seriously, because the Bible takes this subject seriously.

Scripture addresses the roles of church leaders in protecting their flocks from wolves. It also has a lot to say about the compassion of God toward those who’ve been unjustly mistreated and bruised. 

The story of the Gospel is the story of redemption and healing the broken. Christians are called to live out the Gospel not only in their personal lives, but also within the church. Church leaders are called to reflect Christ in a unique way as guardians and shepherds as they disciple the congregation, enforce protection, and address sin within the church. This includes protecting the innocent, whether those involved have been accused of gross sin or claim to be the recipients of it.

Due to the nature of the authority structure God has place in the church and the complexities of church discipline, it’s not always a cut-and-dry procedure. The Bible contains the basic structure of gospel-centered confrontation, restoration, repentance, excommunication, and true healing, as well as the underlying principles of love and compassion that must be involved every step of the way. But for me to outline how it should be done would be overstepping my role as a woman in the church and communicate oversimplification on a topic which requires much prayer, humility, and discernment.

God has given more wisdom to many pastors who have traveled this road already. This short post is simply intended to provide a brief list of resources as a springboard in aiding this discussion without overstepping the biblical boundaries.

Bible Study:
Church Discipline - Matthew 18; 1 Corinthians 5-6; Galatians 6:1-5; James 4:4-10, 5:16-20
Elder and Deacon Qualifications – Acts 20:28-31a; 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1:5-16
Repentance – 2 Corinthians 7:9-10; Hebrews 12:6-11; 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15

Safeguarding the Church:
G. R. A. C. E. (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) –
Hammett, John, Those Who Must Give an Account: A Study of Church Membership and Church Discipline

Church Life:

Biblical Counseling:
Pink, A.W., The Nature of God

Dealing with Abuse:
(Spanish edition of Putting Your Past in Its Place)